Saturday, January 29, 2011


From the beginning I've putting all sorts of stuff into my journal; Ideas. Pictures. Sayings. Quotes. Websites.
You name it, I've got it!
Though there are MANY more pages that I didn't photograph, here is what we still like or is still in the running from the journal...

Find your perfect match! We've been collecting matches from different places, but if you see any grab some! I'm hoping to hit the jackpot on vintage matches while yard sale shopping this year. You never know!

Awww, Landon's very cool ring bearing book. I'm really excited about this one. I just have to find the best book to put our rings in.

Fun socks and great photos.

These are our lanterns we bought! :) Only, I'm going to spray paint them different hues of blue. :)

1 comment:

  1. Lots of neat ideas! Can't wait to see more. Thanks for letting us get a sneak peek into your thought process.
